Turning training into trading.
Timbali's Vision:
To be the best scalable model in S.A in providing market access to small scale farmers.
Timbali's Mission:
To identify market opportunities for small-scale farming enterprises, and to develop an enabling environment within which they are able to successfully serve these markets.

Who we are.
Timbali found a way to connect small holder farmers to viable markets. We provide the opportunity to grow into independent, competitive businesses.
Global statistics show that start-up businesses have a high failure rate. Small holders and new farmers face two challenges: Competitiveness and Productivity. Timbali’s enabling environment deal with these challenges.
- Competitiveness is addressed by our Cluster Concept where farmers benefit from economy of scale.
- Productivity challenge is addressed by a system-based management model. We use a yellow-brick-road, Indlela, Indila to make invisible processes visible. Our operations-and-procedures-manual (OPSM) is a tool for performance mapping, training and implementing change.
We provide market access by integrating the loan financing Cashflows with Operations Manual per Crop. The right planting time, adoption of appropriate technology and quality management, allows alignment with optimal prices.
We facilitate affordable loan financing and provide the risk management for repayment of loans. The Incubator greatly improves the chances of survival and growth.
Our Offer:

Sustainable Green Agriculture Practices For Small Hold Farmers.

Meaningful CSI Initiatives for Private Sector.

Broad-based BEE Skills & Enterprise Development.

Market Access for Farmers through Quality Production Processes.

Risk Management for Financing & Growth.
Our Impact for 2022/3:

Our Historic Impact since 2015:

Our Vision, Mission & Values
Our VISION is to become the recognised leader that enables small commercial farmers to create sustainable wealth through a model that provides support, training and opportunities, as well as direct market access. Our MISSION is to identify market opportunities for these farmers in which they are successfully able to serve. Our VALUES:
Excellence in Reputation
Science-based Innovation
Honesty & Integrity
Hard work & a sense of pride
Being a Pioneer
The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
Your success is our success and we’re proud of those who have made their journey into a testimony.

Client Testimonials
"People are used to empty promises, but during the past year, Timbali showed integrity by keeping our promises to our clients."
I wish the agricultural project managers can come to Timbali for exposure and a change in mindset."
Not forgetting the Product Services and Facilities officers who always come and assist us with the recommendations of spraying and fighting diseases in our farms.”